Wednesday, March 13, 2013


just, sup.
I'm pretty sure I don't really count as a "blogger" anymore...unless a post a year throws you in the mix??
W...for whatevs. I'm going to try to be one, try to "get my groove back". I'm not setting any goals, not making any promises - I'm pretty sure I have tried that before and totally failed. So, I'm just going to "try". Just going to write when I feel like it, isn't that what a blog is for? Or when I find something I think is rad and definitely worth throwing out there.
First up - I found myself back on Pinterest the other day after a long needed break. It wore me down, there was too much awesomeness. I didn't feel able or worthy when I looked at the site. Why couldn't I find the time to make all the fun crafts, decorate my home so beautifully, etc.? So, I took a was refreshing.
Then, I decided it was time, time to dive back in - and it was. I only allow myself like three looks a sucks. you. in! On my first trip back I discovered this adorable girly, flower headband DIY post. I went for it. With Spring in the air, it was hard to resist...and I had all the supplies at the house super plus. Here's how it turned out. Super cute, super easy, and super cheap.

*If you read the original post this is one made with four flowers, not five. I made one with five and I have to say, I am a fan.
After I made it I realized I didn't really have a need for it, another downfall for me when it comes to Pinterest. I find myself making things purely because I think they are cute or stylish. Then they usually end up just sitting in the craft room...blah.
There is a baby boom about to happen here though, so I may find a home for this little ditty after all.
Anyway, this is one of those projects I thought worthy of sharing. It was easy, cute, and affordable. And everybody knows a little girl who would look absolutely adorable with a little bit of Spring in her hair.
Until next time,

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