Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It's been quite a bit since I've even thought about posting. Mostly because my world has been a little bit of here, there, and everywhere. But I want to let you know I am still out here....still kickin' it. I've had a very full Spring/early Summer so far and am ready for things to start slowing down. *Sort of* Although it is already mid-June and I couldn't tell you where half of that time has gone. I have lots of exciting news to share on projects, fan appreciation giveaways over at a pal's site, and changes to come in the "L" household!

For now, I just wanted to let you all know I am still here, I am still breathing, and I do still love you. :o)

Until next time (which I *promise* will not be as long as last time, promise)....


  1. Hi miss Heather!! I didn't know you had a blog and then spotted your facebook post so thought I would check it out!!! You can come visit me at mine anytime you would like :)
